Payment processor websites to know about-
There is two payment processor websites (Online Savings Account/ Online Currency) you can use in order to make big profits in return. These payment processor websites are like a online savings account where you store cash. It's consider online currency that is used online or in a curtain debit card. But it does not have a feature like a bank savings account where you earn interest in a curtain time frame.
Payment processor websites to join-
There is two payment processors that are the best to join. They have a special service currency exchanger where u can send cheques, checks, international money orders. Plus u can add credit card, debit card information and bank account information. These companies are completely safe and very helpful support service. You might hear the rumors on curtain websites that people say that these two websites are scammers. Those rumors are false. Bunch of people that love to cause trouble through the internet. Just believe from within you.
So here are the links for you to see,
Join Solidtrustpay
Join alertpay
Little to know on curtain websites where you will invest-
On curtain websites here will make you big profits. You will just start out small or in a curtain amount to gain profits. Some website types will be a HYIP and a autosurf based. HYIP= High Yield Investment Program. This version is sorta legal or illegal on curtain countries. But this is safe to use. Just be careful. I used these websites in North America and I never get into trouble. But anyways, this version is like a bank savings account where u add cash to the website then investment in a sort type of investment plan or order. After you purchase or investment, wait till in a curtain amount of days the website provide. Then you will earn profits in return. If you have a calculator, you can check the math and see how much you will earn in return.
Now for autosurf type base website,
It is a type of website where they provide ads for you to click on and browse on. All you do to make money is you got to click on their auto surf program and you will browse websites that is provided by other website members like you. You have to browse in a curtain amount of websites where you will earn cash in return. You can add your own websites by spending your credits where you browse websites. Those credits are free. You don't have to spend on but curtain wehsites makes u spend on credits and you can use it on your own websites. But those websites you can make money as well but takes time to make in return.
websites to invest at and make profits in return-
Name: Cashlink Financial
Link: Cashlink Financial, a true opportunity to join
Minimun: $1 -in order to make profit, start out with $50-100
Interest: 300% in 15 months, 120% in 6 months or 150% in 60 days
Website Type: HYIP, offline investing
Payment Method Accept: Solidtrustpay, Alertpay
Topics About This Website: lifesdream forum topic and Talkgold forum topic
-This website is very private. You can't not post your referral link in public websites like blogs, commnity sites, video sharing sites, etc. Only way is through instant chat with friends, email or in text file. In emails, please do not scam on emails.
Name: Vip Global Marketing
Link: VIP Global Marketing (V-Lane)
Private message me for a special referral link to join the program
Minimum: $40 -in order to make profits, $500 is good to start.
Interest: 1% per Day for 365 Days, 2% per Day for 65 Days, Variable 3-8% per Day up to 115%
Website Type: Autosurf
Payment Method Accept: Solidtrustpay, Wires/Alt, Hatfield Oak
Topics About This Website: lifesdream forum topic and Talkgold forum topic
-Same as above. This website is very private. You can't not post your referral link in public websites like blogs, commnity sites, video sharing sites, etc. Only way is through instant chat with friends, email or in text file. In emails, please do not scam on emails.
Name: Megalido
Link: Make cash like crazy with megalido
Minimum: $6
Interest: 12% for 12 days
Website Type: Autosurf
Payment Method Accept: LibertyReserve, AlterGold, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay, and AlertPay
Topic About This Website: Talkgold forum topic and lifesdream topic
Public website. You are safe to post your referral link on any public view websites. Also you can referral friends on instant chat and emails. In emails, please do not scam on emails.

Name: Daily Profit Pond
Link: Daily Profit Pond
Minimum: $12
Interest: 12% daily 12 days term
Website Type: Autosurf
Payment Method Accept: strictpay, alertpay, solidtrustpay, liberty reserve
Public website. You are safe to post your referral link on any public view websites. Also you can referral friends on instant chat and emails. In emails, please do not scam on emails.

Name: Frogress
Link: Frogress
Minimum: $6
Interest: 12% daily 12 days term
Website Type: Autosurf
Payment Method Accept: strictpay, alertpay, solidtrustpay, liberty reserve
Topics About This Website: Talkgold forum topic and lifesdream topic
Public website. You are safe to post your referral link on any public view websites. Also you can referral friends on instant chat and emails. In emails, please do not scam on emails.

Name: Gigalido
Link: Gigalido
Minimum: $6
Interest: 12% daily 12 days term
Website Type: Autosurf
Payment Method Accept: Liberty Reserve, Solid Trust Pay, Strict Pay, and Perfect Money
Topics About This Website:Talkgold forum topic and lifesdream topic
Public website. You are safe to post your referral link on any public view websites. Also you can referral friends on instant chat and emails. In emails, please do not scam on emails.